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What Bobbi's Clients Say

Dear Bobbi,

I just had to write to tell you what an absolute delight it was to work with you. From the first moment of our initial contact, your enthusiasm was such a breath of fresh air and I knew you were the perfect person for us. Your ideas, your creativity, and the generosity with your precious time stood out as such rare qualities these days. You were reliable, dedicated, and responded promptly to all of my questions.


You showed an incredible amount of patience, you never lost your cool under pressure, and knew how to improvise when a detail did not work out at the last minute. Your vast knowledge of so many things makes you an incredible resource about everything we needed. And if, there was something you didn’t know off the tip of your tongue, you knew how get that information. In short, you are absolutely amazing and I hope as I mature, I will be as competent and together as you are! 


Most incredibly, you know how to listen! You are not one of those stuck-up people who comes across like a know-it-all that has to be right all the time. You took in my ideas and were truly interested in what I had to say. And, I can tell that you must have thought about these things, because the next time we would speak, you had already incorporated them into the plan. After all of our back and forth, you were then able to create an absolutely unique and personally curated experience. You taught me how important it is truly celebrate milestones in life! I cannot thank you enough!

With warmest regards,
Charlotte | Philadelphia

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